Summary: Consider reviewing these questions daily or throughout the week, or at a timeframe that works best for you. You don't have to do all of them all at once. They are meant as a means for reflection, growth and learning.
Daily Reflection I. Feeling's - Was i fearful, anxious, shamed or angry? II. Drivers of the feelings - What beliefs or thoughts did I have that may have contributed to these feelings? Was I disappointed? Did I have resentments or unrealistic expectations? Am I keeping secrets or being dishonest? Do I owe an apology or do I need to process an issue with someone? How drained was I emotionally, spiritually, physically or mentally? III. Inner child - Where was my kid activated and how? What were the circumstances? Which of my Core Emotional Triggers got activated (e.g. alone, abandoned, unheard, ignored, never enough, bored, blamed, criticized)? What were the precursors to him getting activated (people, places, things, events)? IV. Shortcomings / blindspots - what do I want to work on (e.g. selfishness, isolating, connecting, honesty, being present, empathy, emotional intelligence)? IV. Gratitudes - What am I grateful for? ( eg My sobriety, my health, my small wins today, the man I am becoming). Where did I receive gifts of grace? V. Prayer - Who / what do I want to pray for? (e.g. “God (higher power) grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”. VI. Affirmations - “I am a good person working hard on recovery, doing good work and strengthening my emotion resilience and recovery tools. I recognize I am human and make mistakes, but I am leaning and growing in my ability to love myself, others and forgive.” VII. Surrender - What do I need to surrender from the day that I cannot change or control? VIII. Insights – what do I want to integrate?
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January 2025