Trauma EggThe trauma egg is a tool developed by Marylin Murray (see "the Murray Method"), for processing very difficult emotional experiences. The egg is symbolic of the birth of our trauma's. On a large sheet of paper:
1. At the top of the page write out the: - Family rules "never be late" - Family boundaries (strict, lose, brutal) - Family roles "perfect child, black sheet, savior" 2. In the bottom left and right corners right out a few phrase that best describe your mother and father and their upbringing 3. Dra the image of a large egg in the middle of the page 4. Starting at the bottom, inside a small circle, draw illustrations of each of the major negative experiences, people or institutions you have experienced. Note: drawing these illustrations forces you to use the left side of your brain, helping to open new pathways to these most troubling memories with the intention of relieving the pain associated with those memories. |
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